
Psychedelic Daffodil 

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Psychedelic Daffodil

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Psychedelic Daffodil

Favorite Psychedelic Albums -

"Back when you would take a chance and buy an album you never heard of just because it had a cool cover."

The Doors

In my little rating system pertinent no one but me, I put this debut album by the Doors at the top of the list. I'm not sure what there was about it exactly, and maybe that's what made it great. The hit song "Light My Fire" prompted me to purchase the album. The album version of the song also included a melodic Ray Manzarick organ solo followed by a sultry Robby Krieger guitar solo.  It seemed as if it permeated everywhere in the background during the summer of 1967. The album broke the rules for the standard six 3:00 song tracks on each side, very psychedelic in itself. You can check out the Classic Album Series DVD at Amazon Doors DVD

Disraeli Gears

Strangely enough, Disraeli Gears was given to me by my mom as a Christmas gift. She didn't know anything about the album, but the kid she was standing next to at the record store told her, "It was pretty good." She probably didn't realize how instrumental she was in turning her son on to psychedelic music. The album is still famous for it's cover, one of the paragons of psychedelic art. Eric Clapton became a legend with his iconic British blues guitar riffs on "Sunshine of Your Love". If you subscribe to Netflix, feel free to learn more about Cream at Classic Albums.

Surrealistic Pillow

Also given to me by my mother with Disraeli Gears. Jefferson Airplane really didn't sound like any of the other bands that I had listened to.  They had a psychedelic irreverence much like the Doors. It was that little something that is hard to explain. Their signature song, "Somebody to Love," embodied the classic psychedelic light show (made by swirling around food coloring in between to glass plates and then using and overhead projector to magnify the image on a screen) in the background: see -> YouTube link. It also included the Alice in Wonderland themed "White Rabbit," famous for its numerous drug allusions. Surrealistic Pillow

Sgt Pepper

I had pretty much been a Beatle fan since December 1963 when I first heard them on my transistor radio (think of it as a really ancient iPod for you young guns). They are and forever will be my favorite band, if anybody cares. They were the undeniable kings of the pop scene from 1964 -1965. However, I thought their popularity was fading and other groups were starting to take over the cutting edge on creativity and innovation. Sgt. Peppers dispelled that notion. From the avant-garde album cover to the disparate tracks inside, it was obvious the Beatles were back with a new vision and direction. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Are You Experienced

There's not much one can say about Hendrix, he defies explanation. I have less than zero musical ability, so it's not fair for me to judge who is the greatest guitarist of the psychedelic genre. However, in my humble opinion, there's no one that can be equally compared to Jimi.  When I listen to all the great guitar players of the age, and they're many great ones, I say "Wow! these guys are really talented."  And then I listen to "Voodoo Child", and I really that Jimi is just in a class by himself. "Foxy Lady" was the first song I had ever listened to through stereo headphones and it certainly was a Jimi Hendrix Experience.

Absolutely Free

I remember buying this album out of the bargain rack at a local department store for $2.99. It was next to another Zappa album that said "Buy this album, top 40 radio will never play it." So I thought I'd try it. When I played it I was very confused. A carpenter happened to be working in our house at the time and was also confused. I didn't know at the time but it would become one of my favorite albums. Suzy Creamcheese, the Duke of Prunes, and Brown Shoes somehow fit into the psychedelic experience because they could have only happened there, outside of what sells in good old Tinseltown, appealing only to the true aberrant devotee. Absolutely Free

Cheap Thrills

Released in early 1968. Another band with with a female lead singer ala Jefferson Airplane. Upon initially looking the album over in the record bin, I wasn't sure if it was a comic book or a record. The classic album cover was designed by underground artist R. Crumb of Zap Comix fame. My two favorite tracks, "Down on Me" and "Summertime" have that electric, bluesy, temperament that seem to define that brief psychedelic era so well. Big Brother tried to hold it together, but Janis was too big of a draw and money maker. She was lured away from the band to embark on a solo career. Cheap Thrills- Big Brother and the Holding Company


Not released until 1969, this is a good compilation from group's earlier songs as the band members went on to bigger and better things. The songs to me captured the sentiment of the time, especially Stephen Stills "For What It's Worth".   To me, the band shared a similar California-folk-electric style with another popular group, the Byrds (check out Younger than Yesterday).  The song tracks also reflect the diversity and talents of the band members, so you're not just hearing the same old song over and over, which makes it nice. Buffalo Springfield- Retrospective

Days of Future Passed

A pleasant introspective concept album by the English group the Moody Blues. It's not a rock out type album like Cheap Thrills, but something to put a candle on at night and just let it take you away. It takes you through a few days in the live of a questioning dreamer, contemplating on the vicissitudes of life.  It even has a marvelous poetry reading in the middle, and other crazy stuff such as Timothy Leary traveling around in his astral plane. You just can't get this stuff in today's modern market. Moody Blues- Days of Future Passed

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